What. Do. I. Do. With. This. Thing. I went to pastry arts school, remember?
So I took a few different approaches as any aspiring chef wife would. I think it went something like marinating, grilling, ovening. Marinating it to death for 24 hours just praying this thing doesn’t die on me. Praying a second time that my husband stops buying these things because.. why!?!?! Just get a cut of meat I know what to do with already! Are there not a dozen other choices there?
Then, after the first epic fail, the unthinkable happens. My husband comes home with not one, but two London Broils. In my head I’m thinking, didn’t we realize we don’t like these things the first time? This time I thought maybe I would just put it in a crock pot and see what happens. What could really go wrong in a crock pot? Could it die again in there? Could I burn the house down? Will he stop this nonsense already and just bring home a chicken breast next time?
The moment of truth came at a friends house, because I had a photo shoot in the morning and was running so low on time that I threw the two London Broils in a crock pot with roast seasoning and carrots and hoped for the best. We showed up and I warned everyone I had no idea what was going to happen when I took the lid off of this thing. Everyone assured me that it would be fine, they would love me even if this was harder then a brick. My husband sliced a piece and to my surprise it was good!
Most recently, I got really brave and actually purchased one BY MYSELF at the grocery store. Literally I went to Giant and went directly to the meat section without passing go and picked myself up a brand new and shiny London Broil that I was going to go home and turn into a delicious dinner.
Seriously, who am I anymore!?!?!
When I Figured Out This Whole London Broil Thing
What I realized was that a London Broil was very similar to the cuts of meat they label as roasts or rump roasts. I noticed them to be a bit leaner, with a lot less marbling throughout and less fat on the outside as well. What I also noticed was that they are priced HALF THE PRICE of the roast cuts. Maybe my husband was on to something here?!?! They are almost always on sale. The London Broil I purchased was $7.00 and it was almost 3 lbs of meat. So winning when you have 4 kids!
I used my dutch oven that regularly collects dust inside my cabinet to make my Homestyle London Broil because I have a wonderful double burner on my gigantic stove so I figured, why not? It turned out to be the perfect way to cook my Homestyle London Broil because I was able to start it on the stove, browning both sides as well as my onions. Then slow cook it in the oven for a few hours, and to finish pop it right back on my double burner to make a delicious gravy out of the broth. I need to use this method more often because it was super easy!
Recipe Tips
I always say this when preparing meats but if you don’t have any course kosher salt in your life you need to get you some! It can take a just fine meal and make it so much better! I generously seasoned my London Broil with a mix of course kosher salt, cracked black pepper, onion salt, and granulated garlic. It is THAT EASY. Generously is the key word, do not be afraid to semi-coat your meat in the spices, just make sure you don’t over-do the onion salt due to the fact that you are using course kosher salt and beef stock as well.
All of those little bits and pieces and lovely brown color you get when cooking your onions is what I call flavor building. You can’t flavor build like this in a crock pot, that is why I didn’t just throw my ingredients in one. I would say you could totally use this recipe in a crock pot but the best way to do it would be exactly how the recipe says.
I just used a fork to pull apart my meat and it fell apart so easily. When making the gravy, I did not remove the meat. The stirring around helped pull apart the meat as well.
I did season to taste after everything was finished with just a pinch more salt and pepper. As with any recipe, if you feel it may be a tad bland, season to your own taste!
Homestyle London Broil

By March 2, 2017
Published:- Yield: 6 Servings
- Prep: 20 mins
- Cook: 4 hrs 0 min
- Ready In: 4 hrs 20 mins
I used to get all kinds of annoyed when my husband would bring home a piece of meat from the grocery store labeled "London …
- 1/2 medium onion
- 2-3 pound London Broil
- course kosher salt
- cracked black pepper
- granulated garlic
- onion salt
- 3 cups beef stock
- 1 cup strained tomatoes no salt added
- 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup flour for thickening gravy
- 1/2 cup water for thickening gravy
- 2 Tablespoons butter
- Preheat dutch oven over low-medium heat with 1/4 cup of olive oil. Be sure not to crank your heat up too high, or you will burn your oil! Also, preheat oven to 300 degrees.
- Season both sides ofLondon Broil generously with course kosher salt, pepper, onion salt, and garlic. Place in Dutch oven and lightly brown both sides. Add onion, and cook until translucent. Bottom of the pan browning is great!
- Remove Dutch oven from burner and add 3 cups beef stock and 1 cup strained tomatoes. Place lid on Dutch oven and place in oven at 300 degrees for one hour. Reduce heat to 200 degrees and cook for an additional 3 hours.
- Remove Dutch Oven from oven and place back on burner over medium heat. In a separate bowl or cup, mix together 1/4 cup flour with 1/2 cup water. Be sure to stir until all lumps are out of mixture!
- Pour flour mixture into beef mixture, heating until mixture thickens. If your mixture is not thickening, increase your heat! To finish, melt in 2 Tablespoons of butter and season to taste with additional salt/pepper.