Brown butter… what can I say.. if you’ve never made it I suggest you put it on your bucket list of cooking immediately. I don’t want to say it will change your life because that is kind of gimmicky, but it will. Once you taste it, your mind will start going a mile a minute thinking of how your going to use brown butter next. I have just what you are looking for right here with this Brown Butter and Honey Glazed Carrot recipe!
I don’t know what is better, brown butter or raw honey. After we started becoming more conscious of our sugar intake and source, I found raw honey. Boy, was I ever missing out when I was purchasing those cute little plastic honey bear bottles! Turns out honey, like the really liquidy honey bear kind, is actually more refined then you would think. It is filtered of all the good pollens, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins, and pasteurized. The pasteurization process takes many of its health benefits away as well. Honey has long been used to treat many illnesses, and I can verify that raw honey will soothe a soar throat in minutes! Of course like most foods, raw honey is more expensive then its refined counterpart but do yourself a favor and give it a try, you will never be tempted to squeeze that cute honey bear again!
Here are a few notes about browning butter for those of you who have not done it before. It is really easy, but at the same time complicated because you need to remove the butter from the heat at the correct time. My best advice is to stand with your butter the whole time, and watch it transform. You should be whirling your butter around your pan the whole time, and this will help to ensure your butter doesn’t burn. To watch the color of your butter transform you will need a pan that isn’t dark colored. A dark colored pan will make it impossible to see when your butter is done so the non-stick pans will not work for this (I don’t use them anyway). When you start smelling something REALLY good, your butter is getting to the point of almost being done. You will smell it first, then see it go from tinted, to light brown, and finally a darker brown will be reached when you remove the pan from the heat. I know it sounds intimidating but what is the worst that can happen? Some burned butter? Let me assure you, burning some butter is totally worth discovering how amazingly delicious browned butter is!