Ever want to just throw your hand up in the air and say “I GIVE UP!!!”
That was me, this week. All week it has been raining here. Rain, rain, more rain. No sun, none. Not even a little. Now if you know anything about taking pictures of food you might know that natural light = better pictures. I can’t take pictures of food with a flash, or a light in a room. It HAS to be natural. Hence, my frustration when the sun decided to go away for the past 4 days. Somehow, it peeked out just for a minute for me to snap these pictures. Now it’s gone again and I’m back to wondering if I’ll be able to take any pictures tomorrow, or if the sun will be hiding again. Please come back sun!! 🙂
Remember when I confessed that throughout my life I’ve kind of had an obsession with all foods that involve hot sauce? If you haven’t seen my Buffalo Chicken with Creamy Ranch Slaw post, I explain it there! I’m pretty sure I lived on hot sauce dumped on everything for a good portion of my teenage years. I can’t for the life of me figure out why, but for some reason it was the cool thing to do! Then again, teenagers are really awkward and they do lots of weird, unexplainable things.
On to this wonderful crockpot creation, because seriously I can’t be the only person who still loves a bit of nostalgia sometimes! It brings me back to those high school pizza shop days, in a creamy and delicious way. Something about the cream cheese, the hot sauce, and the jalapenos make this sooooo good I just can’t stop.
I should also mention that when it comes to hot sauce, I always check ingredients! I’ve found some brands like to sneak in Polysorbate 80. Even Frank’s includes that in their wing sauce version, but not their original hot sauce. Figure that one out?!?! I stick to the basic stuff to eliminate the unnecessary ingredients, and I’ve always liked Frank’s original the most anyway!
The jalapenos in this creamy/spicy madness are completely optional. The first time I made it I used 2, the second time I used 3. Both times had just a bit of spice. Actually, the perfect amount for a family. My kids ate it, and so did my husband and I and nobody complained of too much spiciness. My toddler is notorious for saying “This is too spicy” about foods that have absolutely NO spice in them, and he ate this with no issues. If you really want to bump this baby up, use 1/2 cup of hot sauce instead of 1/4 cup.