I love mixing things up with meatless Monday meals! We were on our way home from a trip with the in-laws for Memorial Day weekend and we spent a good part of the day traveling. I can’t even explain how tired I was when we arrived home. The latte I had on the way home just wasn’t cutting it! Needless to say we arrived home with nothing to eat and take-out was calling my name. The problem with take-out though is NOTHING fits our lifestyle. We have not found any places in our area that don’t serve refined food bombs, so take-out for us is almost non-existent. We do bend the rules once in a while but I’m always left feeling really drained after eating highly refined foods. My body quickly reminds me how much it doesn’t like bad food choices, and I always experience pretty bad “crashes”. This is reason enough for me to stick with the good stuff because with 3 kids I need energy, and I was already drained from traveling.
I pinned the Avocado Cilantro-Lime Sauce from The Garden Grazer on the way home from our trip, which she paired with another bean taco recipe (thanks for the inspiration!). I switched a few things up with the bean filling and it was amazing. My kids didn’t even question the fact that the tacos weren’t beef and after I ate 2 tacos the only words I could utter were “I really needed that.” The best part was, it took about 5 minutes to make the filling and another 5 for the sauce. 10 minutes to an amazing and healthy meal is where it is at!
I should also mention that we are really choosey when it comes to taco shells. We purchase certified Non-GMO shells from Garden of Eatin because they are Non-GMO and do not contain soybean oil. They are a dollar or two more then the big name brands but the extra money is worth it when you are getting a quality product from a good company. We also love their blue corn tortilla chips!
*Here is a link to the strained tomatoes I use, that are jarred instead of canned. This product is about as good as fresh as it gets, and contains no added salt! LOVE IT!