In spite of calling out Smucker’s I decided to show them how to really make a peanut butter and honey sandwich without the crust! To make these fun peanut butter and honey rolls I simply got a whole grain Ezekiel tortilla, spread peanut butter on half of it, then spread honey over top and used a pizza cutter to make strips. If you want to do this it is super easy, just make sure your tortilla is warm or it could rip.
I always give the same disclaimer when I use peanut butter. Check ingredients! Make sure your peanut butter doesn’t contain partially hydrogenated oils aka trans fats. A good quality peanut butter should not have more then 1 or 2 ingredients. Choosy moms DO NOT choose Jiff!
He also had mandarin oranges, blueberries, carrot sticks, peas, and a mix of raw cashews, raisins, and a few little pieces of chocolate my husband got me for mother’s day. My husband sure does know me because he came home with a few great chocolate bars! I have been on the search for a good quality chocolate that does not contain soy, and he found some! The brand is called Equal Exchange Chocolates. Almost ALL chocolate contains soy lecithin and most of the time the soy is GMO. When I got my GMO scanner app I realized the chocolate chips I had were GMO, so no more of those. Here is a link to the chocolate bars and another great brand of chocolate chips that do not contain soy. Happy Friday everyone!