Today Theodore had mushroom “meatballs” on whole wheat spaghetti (i’m working on that recipe now), a frozen “carrot cake” pop, mango, blueberries, and one of my Red Palm Superfood Cookies. I have to say this is a lunch packed with nutrients and lasting energy for a growing toddler who is on the go.
The Cookie Struggle
Of course he went for the cookie first, which I feel fine about, I would too! There was a bit of a struggle after that because he wanted another cookie. I calmly told him no, and took the rest of the cookies out of his sight. He cried a bit more and walked away from his lunch. I don’t make a big deal about food issues like this because I know later in the day when the cookie struggle passes he will get hungry and come back to his food, which is exactly what happened. Right now he is sitting at the table eating the rest of his food.
On a side not we are going away for the Memorial Day Weekend and I am looking for some real food marshmallows. Anyone know of a good brand?